Activity CodeNameDefinitionInstructions
2ndDISEASESecond Disease ClaimPrior to issuing a release on this claim, the Trust researches whether an offset is required and the Trust will update the claim accordingly.No action is required of the firm.
ADDLDXRVAdditional Diagnosis ReviewThe claim is going through the normal review process and additional medical research is required. No action is required of the firm.
Administrative HoldAdministrative HoldA temporary hold on the claim by the Trust due to a specific issue that must be resolved.Contact the Claimant Relations Department at for more information regarding the specificity of this hold.
ADRHOLDADR HoldThe claim is going through the ADR process. The law firm should follow ADR procedures to meet all deadlines of the ADR process.
AnomdocresAnomalous Document ResearchThe documents in the claim are being reviewed further because of alterations to submitted documents.No action is required of the firm.
ARPCRelHolARPC Release HoldThe claim is currently on hold due to the claimaint being part of a pre-petition settlement which was partially resolved through the Center for Claims Resolutions (CCR). For these claims, please provide the Trust or Ankura with the documentation and certification to determine the remaining liability, if any, for each Trust’s share of any remaining amount. Please contact the Claimant Relations Department at OCFB, DIIA, CEL, RA, and O-I) Please contact Ankura at (All other Trusts)
audcomclmAudit companion claim This claim is on hold due to it being a companion of a claim selected for Audit. Claimants with unsampled, unpaid claims are placed on hold due to the audited claim being approved through third-party documentation that has determined that the companion claim exposure allegations are impossible based off the documentation that was submitted to the Audit Team for the audited claim. Please contact the Ankura External Audit Team at with any questions.
BallardresBallard ResearchDr. James Ballard CX8104 physician code incorrectly applied.No action is required of the firm.
COCRESEARCCOCRESEARCThe Certificate of Official Capacity that was filed with the claim requires further research by the Trust.No action is required of the firm.
COURTHOLDCourt HoldA request has been made from the court to send payments to the court rather than to the claimant.No action is required of the firm.
Demographic Research HoldDemographic Research HoldThe claim is on hold due to recent changes made to the claim form to the claimant’s Name, Social Security Number, or Date of Birth. The firm will be contacted if additional information is necessary.No action is required of the firm.
DepholdRLQDependant Hold At Release QThe financial dependant has been listed more than once on the claim or an adult dependant has been identified without supporting documentation.Please review the dependant section of the claim form. If additional information is required, please contact the Claimant Relations Department at for additional information.
DOCRESRCHDocument ResearchThe claim is being researched by the facility due to an issue with the visibility of the documents. The facility will contact you if a document re-upload is required.
DoctorHoldDoctor HoldThis claim is being held at Release for claims with certain doctors that are no longer accepted.No action is required of the firm.
DUPECLAIMDuplicate ClaimThe claim appears to be a duplicate to another claim in Trust Online.Please see the general tab of the claim which identifies the duplicate firm. Please resolve the duplicate issue with the firm identified.
EditExpIInitial Review Edited Lines of ExposureThe claim form contains edited exposure lines that are being researched to confirm claim information.No action is required of the firm.
EXAUDPENDExternal Audit Pending The External Audit process is currently pending on a related claim. Please contact the Ankura External Audit Team at with any questions.
EXAUDWITHExternal Audit Withdrawn The claim was withdrawn during the external audit process.Please contact the Ankura External Audit Team at with any questions.
EXECADMINExecutive Director Administrative HoldThe claim is on hold per Trust Counsel or Executive Director.Firm can contact Trust Counsel for information on how to remove this hold.
EXSSNFExternal SSN Research FailedThe SSN has failed external research and the claim is held until law firm resolves same.Firms should contact if they are unaware of the SSN issue. Once the firm is able to resolve the SSN issue, the claim can move forward.
EXTRA-ORDExtraordinary ClaimThe claim has been filed as an extraordinary claim and is pending extraordinary valuation.Trust Counsel will contact the firm if any other information is required for extraordinary valuation.
FailexaudFailed External Audit This hold is added to all claims that match the Social Security Number of the claim that failed the original external audit.Please contact the Ankura External Audit Team at with any questions.
FailspaudFailed Special External Audit The External Audit process is currently pending on a related claim. This claim will remain on hold until it has been determined that the law firm has complied with the audit of the related claim and the audit is complete.Please contact the Ankura External Audit Team at with any questions.
FOREIGNForeign Claim ResearchThe claim is currently being researched as a possible foreign claim.No action is required of the firm.
FOREIGNNATForeign National ClaimsUsed when a claim has been identified as a Foreign National, but is missing the ITIN form or has an ITIN number that does not match the SSN on claim.Law firm needs to provide ITIN documentation for Foreign National claimant.
FOREIGNVALIDValid Foreign ClaimThe claim has undergone the review process and has been deemed to be a valid foreign claim.The Trust will contact you if any additional information is required.
HILVLALINJHigher Level Alleged InjuryDuring the normal review process, it has been identified that the claim can pass for a higher disease level.The firm should respond to the email from the Trust regarding how they want to proceed with the claim. Contact Claimant Relations at with any questions.
HOLDATRLQHold at ReleaseThis claim will be held at the Release Queue, so that the review process can continue. The claim will be placed on hold in order to prevent any new offers from being issued while the claim continues to be researched.Contact Claimant Relations at for more information regarding this hold.
holdatrlq2Hold at Release Queue 2Prior to issuing a release on this claim, the Trust researches whether an offset is required and the Trust will update the claim accordingly.Contact Claimant Relations at for more information regarding this hold.
INDIRFILEDIndirect Claim Filed – Direct Claim HoldThe claim is being researched as a possible indirect claim.The Trust will contact you if any additional information is required.
IR HoldIR HoldThe IR claim is waiting on valuation by the Trust.No action is required of the firm.
IRLESSTHANERVALUEIR Less Than ER ValueThe claim as valued as an IR claim falls below the scheduled ER value.The law firm can change the claim to ER or request to have the Trust do it by contacting Claimant Relations at
Jurisdiction ConflictJurisdiction ConflictThe claim requires research because the jurisdiction selected does not appear to be correct.Please review your claim form and determine if you have selected the correct jurisdiction. If you believe the jurisdiction you selected is correct, please contact the Claimant Relations Department at
Lincoln CoLincoln CoThe WRG claim is being researched by the Trust for exposure in Lincoln County, Montana. No action is required of the firm.
NAMERESRCHIncomplete Name ResearchThe name appears to be incomplete, is backwards, or is misspelled and needs to be fixed by the law firm.The law firm has been contacted by the Claimant Relations Department and the issue has not been resolved. Please update the claimant name. If you need instructions on how to resolve this, please contact Claimant Relations at
NOPRESUMPTFails PresumptiveFirm has requested 2.2 non-presumptive review.No action is required of the firm.
OFFSET_ESCROWOffset Required – EscrowDue to the date of diagnosis of the malignancy and payment of non-malignant claim, an offset may be required for this claim. If the firm has specific questions on why the hold was placed on the claim, contact Ankura at
OFFSET_PPOffset Required – Prepetition PaymentDue to the date of diagnosis of the malignancy and payment of non-malignant claim, an offset may be required for this claim. If the firm has specific questions on why the hold was placed on the claim, contact Ankura at
OFFSET_TDPOffset Required – Second InjuryDue to the date of diagnosis of the malignancy and payment of non-malignant claim, an offset may be required for this claim. If the firm has specific questions on why the hold was placed on the claim, contact Ankura at
OFFSETHOLDOffset HoldThe offset on the claim is greater than the claim value. No offer can be issued. If the firm has specific questions on why the hold was placed on the claim, contact Ankura at
Ohio Workers’ Comp HoldOhio Workers’ Comp HoldThe claim is on hold pending Workers’ Comp verification.The law firm should supply the Ohio Workers’ Comp letter to the trust for clearance of the hold.
pftfacholdPFT Facility HoldThe claim is on hold because the PFT facilities are being researched by the Trust.No action is required of the firm.
PHYSRESRCHPhysician ResearchThe physician requires additional research by the Trust. The physician needs to be researched to verify qualifications.No action is required of the firm.
PLFCHANGEPending Law Firm Name Change HoldThis hold is for claims that have a pending law firm name change where all documents have been requested, but the law firm has not timely responded.Please respond to the request for documentation associated with the name change. Please contact Claimant Relations at if you have additional questions.
PLFTRANSPending Law Firm TransferThe claim is on hold due to pending law firm transfer.The law firm needs to provide documentation for pending law firm transfer. Contact Claimant Relations at
PMTHOLDPayment Hold Per the Law Firm request, the claim’s payment is being held until the Law Firm requests the Payment hold to be closed.Contact Claimant Relations at to determine why the payment is being held.
PREPETITN2Received Money – Pre-PetitionThe Trust cannot provide compensation twice for a single injury. Please note that a claimant who was previously paid by the Trust for an asbestos-related injury and is later diagnosed with a different asbestos-related injury at a higher level than the previous may not be prevented from filing a claim for the subsequent asbestos-related injury.The law firm should contact the Trust if they feel a claim was not previously paid for the same disease for which it has submitted to the TDP. Please contact Ankura at
PREPETITN8Paid Claim – Pre-PetitionThe Trust cannot provide compensation twice for a single injury. Please note that a claimant who was previously paid by the Trust for a non-malignant asbestos-related injury and is later diagnosed with a different asbestos-related injury at a higher level may not be prevented from filing a claim for the subsequent asbestos-related injury, but may be subject to an offset for the prior payment based on the date of payment and diagnosis of the higher disease level.The law firm should contact the Trust if they feel a claim was not previously paid for the same disease for which it has submitted to the TDP. Please contact Ankura at
PREVOVRDNPrevious Value OverriddenThe previous claim value has been overridden. As a result, the claim requires additional research to validate the current claim value.No action is required of the firm.
PRSSNCHECKPersonal Representative SSN CheckThe claim is on hold because the PR SSN and Injured Party SSN are the same.The firm needs to update the SSN that is incorrect so that the claim can continue to be processed.
RCPEXISTSReciprocal Claim ExistsThe Trust will continue to process the TDP claim and make an offer once the claim is approved. However, the signed release will be held until the Trust is notified that the pre-petition claim has been either withdrawn or paid. If the pre-petition claim has been paid, then the TDP claim must be withdrawn and no payment will be made.Law firms should contact the Trust to determine if the Pre-Petition claim exists within their firm or another firm. Please contact Ankura at
RCPPAIDAFReciprocal Claim Paid After Prepetition Effective A Pre-Petition claim exists and must be resolved before the TDP claim can be processed.Law firms should contact the Trust to determine if the Pre-Petition claim exists within their firm or another firm. Please contact Ankura at
RCPPAIDAFPRCPPAIDAFP ProgressionA Pre-Petition claim exists and must be resolved before the TDP claim can be processed.Law firms should contact the Trust to determine if the Pre-Petition claim exists within their firm or another firm. Please contact Ankura at
RCPPAIDBFReciprocal Claim Paid Before Prepetition EffectiveThe Trust will continue to process this TDP claim up until the release stage where it will be held until it is determined whether or not the TDP value will be greater or less than the amount of the pre-petition paid claim. If the TDP value is greater than the amount of the pre-petition paid claim, a release for the payment difference will be issued. You will be notified if the claimant cannot be compensated because the value is less than or equal to the pre-petition paid claim so that the TDP claim can be withdrawn.Law firms should contact the Trust to determine if the Pre-Petition claim exists within their firm or another firm. Please contact Ankura at
REFILEDRefiled Withdrawn ClaimA claim was originally withdrawn and later refiled for this claimant. The Trust is reviewing and comparing the two claims and will notify you if additional information is required to continue processing the refiled claim. No action is required of the firm.
REFILEDAUDITRefiled Withdrawn External Audit claimExternal Audit claim was withdrawn. Pending claim is on hold until External Audit is resolved.Please contact the Ankura External Audit Team at with any questions.
REFILEDOFFRefiled Previously OfferedA claim was originally withdrawn and later refiled for this claimant. The Trust is reviewing and comparing the two claims and will notify if you additional information is required to continue processing the refiled claim. No action is required of the firm.
RESEARCHResearchThe claim is undergoing additional research by the Trust for potential review related issues that cannot be remedied by the normal review process of issuing deficiency or activity notification. If any additional information is determined to be required, the Facility will directly contact the firm.No action is required of the firm.
RESEXPDATEResearch Exposure Date EditsExposure date changes are being researched to determine if sufficient documents have been submitted for the edits provided to the exposure records to clear the deficiency of insufficient significant or cumulative occupational exposure.No action is required of the firm.
RESEXPDELResearch Exposure DeletionsExposure deletions are being researched to determine if sufficient documents have been submitted for the deletion of exposure records in order to clear the deficiency to separate the years of exposure at each site.No action is required of the firm.
SOLDCPFDVDefinite SOL Violation-DCPFThe Trust has determined that the claim is a definite SOL violation and the firm has been notified. Firm has been provided details on the SOL violation and should provide documentation if available to clear same.
SOLFIRMUDTSOL Firm UpdateSOL update is pending review by the legal team.No action is required of the firm.
SOLTRCDVDefinite SOL Violation-TrThe SOL violation for this claim was reviewed by Trust Counsel and deemed to be valid. If you are unsure of why the claim is found to have an SOL violation, you can contact Claimant Relations at
SSNRESFNSSN Research for Foreign National ClaimantsSSN research for Foreign National claimantsThe law firm needs to provide documentation to support the SSN for the claimant.
SSNRESRCHIncomplete SSN ResearchThe SSN provided is incomplete.The law firm needs to update the SSN so that it is 9 digits and a complete SSN.
TLORESTLO Research Claim demographic information is being researched further by the Trust.If additional information is required, the firm will be contacted by the Claimant Relations Department to provide supporting documentation.
WKSCOMPWorkers’ Compensation Research The Trust is researching potential workers’ compensation issue. Law firm will be contacted if additional information is required.No action is required of the firm.
WRGRELHOLDWRG Site Code CorrectionA recent correction has been made to the selected approved site. Further research is required to determine acceptability. No action is required of the firm.